GARF Global News
After a 2 year break, ironically enforced upon us by a global virus that sent us all into a zombie like state sitting at home enduring zoom call after zoom call, Weekend of the Dead is BACK!! And this time The GARF are co-hosting this amazing show! READ MORE
Welcome to the new GARF Global Bite Size feature. Here, we at GARF Global will highlight people and events that encompass the values of George and the work we are keen on promoting. In this the first of the bite size series we feature young Irish independent filmmaker Tom O’Brien. READ MORE
No sooner are we finished nursing our New Year Hangovers and the first event on the UK Horror calendar comes upon us.
The Horror-On-Sea horror film festival takes place over the weekend of the 14th/15th/16th of January and the 21st/22nd/23rd of January. READ MORE
Happy New Year from all of us at GARF Global! We hope you are doing well and enjoying starting to get back out to the big wide world. 2021 has been the year of trying to get back to normal, and certainly since the last newsletter, we here at GARF Global have been trying to do exactly that. READ MORE
Winter and horror seem to be synonymous, whether it’s the cold days, long nights or the fact that some of the best horror films seem to be set in around this time of year (The Shining, anyone?). First and foremost, we have Halloween, swiftly followed by Guy Fawkes/Fireworks night, both steeped in traditions focusing on spirits and the dead. Even Christmas, if studied beyond the Christian ethos, has a dark and murky side. READ MORE
Hi again folks, and welcome to part two of The GARF’s For the Love of Horror blog series. Wait, you haven’t read part one?! Well go back and check it out, then come back!
Right, now we have all read part one, I’ll carry on with the rest of the blog. Towards the end of part one I alluded to what was in my mind the main attraction of For the Love of Horror. To fully explain this and why, I have to go all the way back to 2019! READ MORE
Come meet the team at the following events:
London Film & Comic Con - UK on 19th - 21st Nov
It has been one week since we here at GARF Global attended our first major public convention event in 20 months. Namely, For the Love of Horror run by Monopoly Events. Yes, there had been a few smaller more intimate events, like the Graham Humphreys gallery display (more on Graham in the future), but this was the first major (over 4000 attendees) signing convention since the Weekend of the Dead event attended by ... READ MORE
I’ll be up front right away: I am no writer, certainly not like our beloved Pixie, and that will probably become apparent as I go on. What I am, though, is passionate about horror, in particular the zombie subgenre; something I am sure you will agree ....... READ MORE
I met the legend George Romero for the first and sadly only time back on the 12th July 2014. Little did I know that 12 months later I would be co-running an event totally dedicated to his movies and three years later we’d lose the man himself. However I’ve jumped ahead, so lets go back to 5th March 1984. This was the date I first got introduced to Romero’s nightmares through his vision Dawn of the Dead. Wow, what a movie, I was stunned, blown away..... READ MORE
Twenty years after his zombies last roamed the earth, horror king George Romero returned to the big screen with Land of the Dead. Tony Earnshaw travelled north to Edinburgh to meet the knight of the living dead.
I met George A. Romero just once, back in 2005 when he was back on the interview circuit promoting Land of the Dead. I was 39, but I could have been 16 again, such was my unbridled excitement. I was vibrating in my boots....... READ MORE
P.O. BOX 4949
The GARF is dedicated to honoring the life work and cultural influence of George A. Romero, and supporting a new generation of filmmakers and artists inspired by his legacy.
Copyright © 2020 George A. Romero Foundation